A cave dedicated to nourishment and natural medicine
The foundations of the Romani culture have been its nomadic identity and its close link with nature. During their exodus the Roma people have used the natural resources of the environment in a vital and experienced way. In a clear way, women were the ones who treasured the expert knowledge about plants and their medicinal and even magical and esoteric properties, confusing a traditional medicine with a cuisine that uses in a masterful way the properties of foods that usually go unnoticed.

Good cooking is the best medicine
The way of cooking is a characteristic that differentiates all cultures, both in terms of the foods used and the way they are prepared.
Traditional cuisine gives us information about the geographical area where we are, its crops and the socioeconomic level of the families.

Being a woman and being a Romani woman
In my house, they say something very Romani,"the truth hurts but it heals"”…
If the Roma community has been and is a victim of social exclusion, women have been even more so.
The Romani woman, her daily life, her contributions, has never been an object of interest for the historian.
The Romani woman is (out of the commonplace) the honor of the family, the pillar, the guarantor of the transmission of values, culture and memory.
But on the other hand, it is also the engine of change, of modernity or rather of conciliation between the genuine Romani elements and the imperious and natural needs of a contemporary reality.
It is therefore a fundamental axis, an essential gear to understand the Romani history and yet it is totally absent from the historiography on Romani issues.
– Sarah Carmona.